Home » Stop Comparing Yourself to ‘That Mom’—You Have Your Own Magic

Stop Comparing Yourself to ‘That Mom’—You Have Your Own Magic

by Kane Ong

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You know That Mom.

She’s the one who shows up to morning drop-off in actual jeans (JEANS, people), looking fresh-faced and put together while you’re still trying to remember if you brushed your teeth.

Her kids always seem perfectly dressed—matching outfits, clean shoes, hair neatly combed—while yours are rocking mismatched socks and a definitely inside-out shirt because you were just trying to get everyone out the door alive.

She makes organic, homemade lunches with cute little animal-shaped sandwiches while you’re over here tossing an Uncrustable into a lunchbox and calling it a win.

And somehow, no matter what time of day, she never seems flustered.

She’s calm, organized, and has a tone—you know the one. That soft, soothing, “I read parenting books” voice that sounds like she never yells or bribes her kids with fruit snacks to get in the car.

And while you know social media only shows the highlights, you still find yourself wondering… How does she do it? Why does she have it all together?

And why am I over here looking like a human tornado in yoga pants covered in mystery stains?

But here’s the thing, mama…That Mom isn’t real.

Or, rather, she’s just as real as you, but she’s got her own struggles. And more importantly? You don’t need to be her. Because you have your own kind of magic.

Your Kids Don’t Need a Perfect Mom—They Need You

Your kids don’t care if you packed an Instagram-worthy lunch or threw some Goldfish into a sandwich bag five seconds before the bus arrived.

They don’t care if your house looks like a tornado hit it, or if the laundry has been sitting in the dryer so long you’ve restarted it three times.

They don’t care if you didn’t do a themed craft today or if their bedtime story got cut short because you were exhausted and just couldn’t read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” for the 500th time.

They care that you’re there.

They care about the way you make them laugh when you dance in the kitchen.
They care about how you snuggle them a little longer when they’re sad.
They care about the way you see them, the way you listen, the way you love them—messy, imperfect, wonderful YOU.

And that is what makes you the best mom for them.

Perfection is Overrated—Your Realness is the Gift

Look, if color-coded calendars and homemade snacks are your thing, awesome!

But if they’re not? That’s okay, too!

Motherhood isn’t about performing—it’s about showing up. And showing up can look different every day. Some days, you’re on top of it. Some days, you’re just surviving.

And guess what? Both are good enough.

Your kids will never remember if the house was spotless or if you wore actual pants to drop-off.

But they will remember how safe, how loved, and how cherished they felt.

And that is the real magic.

So the next time you catch yourself comparing, take a deep breath and remind yourself:

You are exactly the mom your kids need. Just as you are.

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