Home » The ‘Titanic’ Approach to Motherhood: Are You Jack, Rose, or The Floating Door?

The ‘Titanic’ Approach to Motherhood: Are You Jack, Rose, or The Floating Door?

by Kate Thompson

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Motherhood sometimes feels a lot like the movie Titanic—a sweeping, chaotic adventure filled with love, sacrifice, and moments of sheer panic. One minute, you’re standing at the front of the ship, arms wide open, shouting, “I’m the queen of the world!” and the next, you’re frantically trying to keep everyone afloat while your coffee sinks to the ocean floor.

So, let’s talk about it: In the grand voyage of motherhood, are you Jack, Rose, or the floating door?

The Jack Mom: The Selfless, Ride-Or-Die Parent

Jack is the classic “give until you have nothing left” personality. If you’re a Jack Mom, you:

✅ Always put your kids first, sometimes to your own detriment.
✅ Run on love, caffeine, and sheer willpower.
✅ Offer your last bite of food, the warmest blanket, and even the good pillow.
✅ Have probably whispered, “I’ll never let go” to your sleeping child while holding their tiny hand.

🚩 Jack Mom Warning Sign: You give and give until there’s nothing left of you. Burnout is real, and if you’re always in survival mode, you’ll eventually sink (emotionally, physically, and mentally).

💡 Survival Tip: You deserve a lifeboat, too! Prioritize your well-being so you don’t end up overboard. Take breaks. Say no sometimes. Save some of that energy for yourself!

The Rose Mom: The Fierce Protector Who Learns to Let Go

Rose starts off feeling trapped—pressured to be the perfect daughter, bride, and woman. But by the end of the movie? She’s a total badass who learns to break the rules, fight for love, and survive on her own terms.

If you’re a Rose Mom, you:

✅ Started off with big expectations for motherhood, only to realize it’s nothing like you imagined.
✅ Are learning to embrace adventure, even if it means letting go of control.
✅ Would do anything to protect your kids but also want them to be independent.
✅ Believe in raising your children to break cycles, dream big, and live boldly.

🚩 Rose Mom Warning Sign: You might struggle with guilt—feeling like you’re not doing enough or that you’re “not the mom you thought you’d be.”

💡 Survival Tip: Motherhood isn’t about being perfect—it’s about adapting. Give yourself grace, embrace the chaos, and remember: You’re still you. Let yourself grow and evolve as a mom and as a person.

The Floating Door Mom: The One Holding Everything Together

Ah, the floating door. The unsung hero. The sturdy, exhausted, sometimes overlooked part of the whole operation. If you’re a Floating Door Mom, you:

✅ Are the foundation of your family, keeping everything (and everyone) above water.
✅ Absorb the stress, the tantrums, the logistics, and the emotional weight of motherhood.
✅ Feel like you’re constantly carrying more than your fair share.
✅ Often wonder, “Why is everyone resting while I’m the one doing all the work?”

🚩 Floating Door Mom Warning Sign: You can only hold so much weight before you start to crack. If you’re constantly keeping everyone afloat but feel unseen, it’s time for some balance.

💡 Survival Tip: You are not just a stepping stone for everyone else’s survival! Make sure your needs are met, ask for help, and demand space for yourself. You deserve more than just staying afloat.

So, Which One Are You?

Maybe you’re Jack on Monday morning, Rose by Friday, and a full-blown Floating Door on Sunday night when you’re lying on the couch while your kids climb on you like a jungle gym. And honestly? That’s okay.

Motherhood isn’t about choosing just one role—it’s about learning when to give, when to fight for yourself, and when to just hold on for dear life.

So whether you’re fiercely protecting your kids like Rose, sacrificing like Jack, or holding the whole operation together like the floating door—just remember:

🌊 You’re doing an incredible job.
🚢 Your ship hasn’t sunk yet.
❤️ And no matter what, you’ll always be their safe place.Now go put your feet up—before you become a literal floating door. 😆

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